The use of HTTPS, which provides protection for all user data transport layers.

Each tenant uses a different database for isolation, avoiding access to different users' databases.

Use of separate url addresses for each tenant to prevent illegal access by other users.

Each tenant has its own system administrator, with flexible configurable permissions to protect internal security under control.

Database technology that uses hot backup to provide hot backup of database. When a database server is attacked, it can be quickly switched to another database server without data loss.

In addition to the database hot backup, daily backups are also provided. Even if both databases are abnormal, we can still restore to the previous day's data.

Providing operational auditing capabilities that allow tenant administrators to query every operation performed on their own systems.

Through containerized redundant deployment, nginx reverse proxy, each micro service is equipped with two service activity images, and any abnormality in any one container will not affect the normal use of users.

Provide real-time online operation and maintenance services, tenants can find customer service in real time to communicate and solve problems.